The content of the notice changes the legal representative

From the time of establishment of the enterprise, the information of the legal representative of the company is recorded in the enterprise registration certificate and is publicly available. However, during the course of operation, for a variety of reasons, the representative may change his / her permanent address, citizen identification card number, identity card or passport number. In these cases, it is necessary to carry out the procedure to change the information of the legal representative.

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The legal representative of an enterprise is an individual representing the enterprise exercising the rights and obligations arising from the transaction of the enterprise, representing the enterprise as a plaintiff, defendant and right holder. related interests and obligations

A company may have more than one legal representative. When changing the legal representative, this person needs to meet some of the following:

  • Having full civil act capacity, not subject to prohibition of corporate management
  • Owners of private enterprises, general partners of partnerships, directors (general directors), presidents and members of the boards of directors or members’ councils of enterprises declared bankruptcy are not allowed to set up. enterprises must not be managers of enterprises for 01 – 03 years from the date they are declared bankrupt.
  • Notification of supplementing and updating business registration information;
  • Certified copy of citizen identity card / identity card of legal representative;
  • Letter of introduction (in case the applicant is not concurrently the legal representative of the enterprise).

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