Non Use Cancellation Trademark In Vietnam

How to use non-use cancellation in Vietnam ?

According to the Vietnamese Intellectual Property Law (“Vietnamese IP Law”), if a trademark is in non-use status for five consecutive year or longer after its registration date, the trademark shall be susceptible to non-use

What Is The Expiration Period Of Trademark In Vietnam

Trademark plays an essential role in the overall intellectual property rights of a business. A trademark is not only to identify goods or services of a business with specific quality, origin and usefulness, but also to prevent unauthorized use of
5 Steps For Registering Trademark In Vietnam 2022

5 Steps to register trademark in Vietnam

Five (05) steps to register trademark in Vietnam: Step 1: Conducting a trademark search. Step2: File the trademark application, Step 3: Follow up trademark registration, Step 4: Getting registration certificate or respond to the refusal